We, the Congolese people,

United by destiny and history, around noble ideals of freedom, equality, fraternity, solidarity, justice, and peace;

Driven by our common desire to build, in the heart of Africa, a rule of law and a powerful and prosperous nation, based on true political, economic, social and cultural democracy;

Aware that injustice, with its consequences such as impunity, nepotism, regionalism, tribalism, and cronyism, in all their forms, have reversed our values and caused the ruin of our country;

Affirming our determination to protect and strengthen our independence and our national unity, while respecting our diversity and our positive particularities;

Reaffirming our inalienable and inalienable right to organize ourselves freely and to develop our political, economic, social and cultural life according to our own genius;

Let us solemnly declare the adoption of this Constitution.


Article 1 is amended as follows:

The Democratic Republic of Congo is, within its borders of June 30, 1960, a state of law, independent, sovereign, united and indivisible, democratic and secular.

Its emblem is the sky-blue flag, decorated with a yellow star in the upper left corner and crossed at an angle by a red band finely framed in yellow.

Its motto is “Justice – Peace – Work”.

Its coat of arms consists of a leopard's head framed on the left and, on the right, an ivory point, and a spear, all resting on a stone.

His anthem is “Debout Congolais!”


Article 2 is amended as follows:

The Democratic Republic of Congo is made up of the capital, provinces and decentralized territorial entities with legal personality.

The capital is the seat of national institutions and has the status of a province. The law fixes the location of the capital which can be transferred to another place in the country only by referendum.

The distribution of powers between the State, the provinces and the decentralized territorial entities is carried out in accordance with the provisions of Title III of this Constitution.

The boundaries of provinces and decentralized territorial entities are fixed and can be modified by law to adapt to changes in the economic, social, and geographical situation.

Any modification of the boundaries of provinces and decentralized territorial entities for cultural or political reasons is prohibited.

The Congolese Franc is the monetary unit of the Democratic Republic of Congo. He has liberating power over the entire national territory.

Public fees and taxes, as well as the public budget, must be denominated exclusively in the national currency. All receipts and disbursements made by a public institution, or on its behalf, must be carried out solely in the national currency. The indexing of public fees, taxes, or budgets to a foreign currency is prohibited.

Article 170 is repealed.